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International Certification



Film courses

As a continuation of the course in music the school has offered some students a course in making short films. Music and moving images are in our time almost inseparable and it is important that the students learn how to make images work with their music. Halden College offers three different courses in film; short film making, documentary film making and music video making.

Read the document here.

Course certificate - Media production


This is how we taught in order to enable our student to achieve a Certificate of Competence in the topic «Engines».

Read more.

Course certificate Engines

English vgs

English at high school/upper secondary level: Programmes for general studies and Vg2 – vocational education programmes

This course is taught in accordance with the National Curriculum. It is obligatory for entry to  studies at college/university level. The overall achievement grade and examination results are included on the high school diploma/certificate of upper secondary education. If the student is only able to complete part of the curriculum, the school will document this if the student wishes to continue the course elsewhere.

Our goal is to enable our students to make maximum use of their learning capacity. Our best practices in this regard are:

  • We do our utmost to create and maintain a good learning environment.
  • Student participation in planning the course.
  • Extensive one-on-one interaction with each student in order to identify their specific strengths and weaknesses and to monitor their progress.
  • Balance in the focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, enabling students to improve their weak skills and to excel at their strong skills.
  • Differentiated teaching: working with the students at their own level and with methods that comply with their knowledge, abilities and learning styles as far as possible.
  • ISP:   Individual School Plan for each subject. This plan is dynamic in that both teacher and student evaluate it regularly and adjust it to fit student needs when this is possible. 

English subject curriculum

Music - Ensemble course - band

Thematic Instruction in the Recording Studio

(Ensemble course – band)

The programme aims follow the learning outcomes identified in the Norwegian National Curriculum for music, dance and drama, specifically music.

The course focuses on developing the basic skills required for performing in an ensemble, in conjunction with individual performance skills and a strong musical foundation.  The performance of music as part of an ensemble is central.

Learning outcomes state that students will: perform music in an ensemble, contribute actively to a musical community, and take part in the practical performance of ensemble pieces.


Outcomes are achieved through performing music in a group.

Read the document here.

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ICT courses

Teach basic and intermediate skills using Microsoft Office or other software like Super Office/Open Office.

The courses emphasises hands-on experience, with a series of self-guided exercises integrated into the training.


Enter and edit information to access digital services. Identify and correct simple errors. Use word processing tools. Use spreadsheets.

Use presentation tools.

Production and presentation of digital information.

Evaluate content and correct mistakes.

Enter, format and edit information for a particular purpose.

Present information for a particular audience and take ethical considerations.

Use and produce spreadsheet models to present calculations.

Find and use presentation tools with multimedia content.

Course certificate - spreadsheets

Basic English

The delivery of Basic English is tailored to meet the aims and objectives of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages at A1 and A2 levels.  Course certification is awarded where the qualitative descriptors for language use are met.  Textbooks used in delivery – English for Life, Oxford University Press; Navigate, Oxford University Press.

Focus on speaking.  Students engage in a range of activities to encourage active use of their spoken language skills:

Reading aloud from textbooks, articles.

Role-play e.g. ordering food in a restaurant, asking for directions in town.

Interviews with a partner/group e.g. asking about free-time activities, favourite items in a category, family.

Conversation – time at the beginning and end of each session is spent in relaxed ‘chatting’, linked to a recent topic, teacher starts off e.g have you watched a good film/read a good book this week? What is for dinner today? What’s your favourite band?  Students contribute as much or as little as they like. 

Positive environment.  Teacher is positive and supportive, students are consistently praised for progress and achievement, ‘mistakes’ with language are addressed through modelling of correct forms instead of negative feedback, as much as possible. Students are encouraged to work cooperatively and support each other; everyone should be comfortable with speaking and contributing in class and during activities. Paired and group activities are part of every session.

Multicultural classroom.  Students are encouraged to share and celebrate their own culture in the classroom.  When we meet English/American culture and habits in learning resources we discuss similarities and differences with the students’ homelands.  Teacher tries to learn at least a few words of each person’s language in the classroom.  Written activities include describing your home town, describing a national celebration in your country, traditions around weddings/gift-giving, and can be read aloud in class if students are comfortable with this.


Norwegian for foreigners

Topic: The Body and Health

Begin with singing and movement – Head, shoulders, knees and toes.

Diagrams/pictures of the body are hung around the classroom with the names of body parts. We practice pronunciation with everyone pointing to their own bodies.

Activity: The teacher names a body part and students try to be the first to point to this area of their own body.̈́

Role-play: At the doctor’s. Dialogue between «doctor and patient». Can be improvised, or written by the teacher or students, depending on level.

Inner organs.  Model borrowed from the science department.  Take out and examine heart, liver, kidneys and brain.

Finish with students filling in the names of body parts on a printed A3 diagram. May also sing the song again to end the session