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The first thing we did was to choose which competence aims of the national curriculum our students should work with. We used “The Didactic Relation Model” for the planning and execution of the lessons. Bjarne Bjørndal and Sigmund Lieberg developed this model in 1978 as a pedagogical tool for teaching.

The Didactic Relation Model consists of different factors, each of which is important in both the practical and academic planning of a lesson. These factors are mutually dependent upon each other. We can use this model both in the preliminary preparations, the planning and the execution of an educational activity. It is also useful in evaluating the success of the lesson.

In our lesson, we recorded a video in which we changed the timing belt of an engine. We used this particular competence aim of the curriculum to show how a lesson can be planned and carried out using the Didactic Relation Model. We worked with the following factors of the model: participant   conditions, setting, goals, content, method and assessment.

Participant conditions: We had gone through the task beforehand, so the student knew what he was supposed to do.

Setting: We informed our student orally about the task and what he was supposed to do. All necessary equipment was provided: tools, literature and access to the engine.

Goals: The goal was to carry out and complete the activity as if it were an actual order.

Content: The activity was to fulfil this particular competence aim of the national curriculum.

Method: This was a practical task.

Assessment: We assessed how the student had carried out the task. The teacher checked that everything had been assembled correctly and adjusted. We also made sure that HSE (Health, Security and Environment) guidelines had been followed. Finally, the completed task was marked.

The teacher is responsible for making a teaching plan that will suit both motivated and not-so-motivated students; both students that excel at their school work and those who do not. Learning takes place within each student. The experience of mastering a task is the most motivating factor in a student’s progression and in his ability to carry out future tasks to completion.

Please read more about “The Didactic Relation Model” here:


Hilde Hiim/Else Hippe: Undervisningsplanlegging for yrkesfaglærere (Gyldendal akademisk, 2009)

NDLA undervisning/pedagogikk: http://ndla.no/nb/node/62998?fag=51

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